8 Proven Steps to Better Decision-Making in Life



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September 24, 2024

Decision-making is a daily exercise for all of us, but for career professionals, entrepreneurs, and early-stage business owners, the weight of each decision can feel immense. 

The right decision can drive growth, progress, and success; the wrong can set you back. 

So, how do you ensure you're consistently making the best decisions for your career or business? 

Here’s a guide to help sharpen your decision-making process, reduce stress, and create a path toward more confident and informed choices.

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1. Clarify Your Objectives

Before you even start considering your options, take a moment to ask yourself: What are you trying to achieve? What does success look like in this particular scenario? 

Clarifying your long-term goals and understanding how this decision fits into the bigger picture can help you gain a clearer sense of direction. 

For business owners, it may be about increasing revenue or expanding your market. 

For career professionals, it could be about building a skill set or advancing to a leadership role.

Action step: Write down your top 3 priorities before making any significant decision. This keeps you focused on what truly matters.

2. Gather the Right Information

Good decisions require good information. 

Often, we make choices based on gut feelings, partial knowledge, or outside pressure. 

To improve your decision-making, you must gather all relevant information—data, market insights, and advice from trusted sources—before proceeding.

For entrepreneurs: Be data-driven. Look at market trends, customer feedback, and your business analytics. The numbers often paint a clearer picture than assumptions.

For career professionals: Seek feedback from mentors or colleagues, and conduct personal research about any new roles or companies you're considering.

Action step: List at least three sources of information (data, mentors, research) to consult before making critical decisions.

3. Limit Your Options

A paradox in decision-making is that too many options can lead to indecision. 

The more choices you have, the more overwhelming the process can become. Simplify your decision-making process by narrowing your options to the most viable ones.

Action step: After collecting your information, eliminate any option that doesn’t align with your values, goals, or key metrics. Keep the list short—two to three solid options at most.

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4. Weigh the Pros and Cons

This timeless strategy still holds value. Weighing the pros and cons of each option helps you visualize potential outcomes. 

Make a list of potential benefits and risks for each option. 

This can help entrepreneurs identify whether an investment or strategy is worth the risk. It can highlight whether a promotion or role change is the right move for career professionals.

Action step: Create a simple pros and cons list. Weight each point based on how critical it is to your business or career.

5. Manage Emotions and Biases

Our emotions and personal biases can often cloud our judgment, leading us to make impulsive or illogical decisions. 

It’s essential to recognize when your feelings influence your decision and ensure they don’t overrule logic.

For entrepreneurs: You may feel emotionally attached to an idea, but if the market research shows it’s not viable, you must pivot.

For career professionals: You might be tempted to say yes to a job offer out of excitement, but make sure it aligns with your long-term goals and not just short-term gain.

Action step: Take a break before making a final decision, especially if you feel overly emotional or stressed. A fresh perspective can lead to more objective thinking.

6. Consider the Timing

Timing is everything when making decisions in life and business. 

A great decision made at the wrong time can have disastrous consequences. Learn to evaluate the urgency and timing of each decision.

For entrepreneurs and business owners: Consider whether the market conditions are suitable for your move, whether it’s the launch of a new product or an expansion.

For career professionals: Timing matters in your career choices, too. Ensure you’re ready to take on a new role's challenges, or wait for the right moment to negotiate a raise.

Action step: Assess the urgency of your decision. Is now the right time to make this choice, or is there a benefit to waiting?

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7. Trust Your Instincts (But Verify)

While data and logic are essential, don’t completely ignore your instincts. 

Your gut is often the sum of years of experience, knowledge, and subtle cues. Trust it—but always verify with research and rational analysis.

Action step: After doing your due diligence, evaluate the decision. Does it align with your core values and personal vision? If not, it’s worth reevaluating.

8. Be Willing to Adjust

Even with the best process, not all decisions will lead to the outcomes you expect. 

Being flexible and willing to pivot when needed is essential, especially for entrepreneurs and early-stage business owners. 

Recognize that some decisions may not work out, and that’s okay. Learn from your experiences and adjust your approach next time.

Action step: After making a decision, set a time to evaluate its effectiveness. Did it bring you closer to your goal? If not, don’t hesitate to pivot and learn.

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Making better decisions doesn’t happen overnight, but by developing a systematic approach, you can reduce uncertainty and improve your outcomes. 

Whether you’re a career professional weighing a new opportunity or an entrepreneur deciding on your next business move, this framework can guide you toward more confident, informed, and thoughtful choices.

The most successful individuals and businesses are not those who avoid making mistakes but those who learn and adapt from them. 

Start by refining your decision-making process today, and watch how it transforms your career and business growth.

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Chris M Wilson

Chris Wilson is a keynote speaker, CTI coach, and entrepreneur. Through his Hover to Fly framework, he aims to impact the next generation in their careers and lives.

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