Chris Helps the Next Generation Lead Careers They Love.

Career Expert and Professional Coach

Career changes in working life
Are satisfied with their job
Employees engaged in their work
Gen Z want to start a business

Why your work matters

What the next generation is currently facing:
(Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Gallup, Conference Board)

"A game-changer for the next generation. Chris uses a simple and easy-to-understand framework that helps those struggling with uncertain careers create movement forward."

- Rikkert Vos, CEO Aeromni Aerospace

High levels of career happiness contribute to overall job satisfaction and fulfillment.

Meaningful Work

Work-Life Balance

Positive Relationships

Opportunities for Growth and Development

Fair Compensation and Benefits

Alignment with Values and Goals

Autonomy and Control

"Chris is a young entrepreneur who transformed his life from a job he hated into a profession he loves. I highly recommend him for his wisdom and ability to help others transform their lives."

- Tom Dutta, CEO KRE-AT

Work with Chris to go from exhausted and overworked to fulfilled and satisfied in your career.

Chris is a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC) and Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

From the moment Chris booked a one-way flight across the country at 18, he’s been navigating career turbulence. Working in various industries, multiple careers, and over 20+ jobs, Chris has experienced volatility in many different situations. 

Chris works as a startup and entrepreneurship mentor with trusted companies such as e@UBC - Entrepreneurship at The University of British Columbia and LOI - League of Innovators - Canada’s largest startup accelerator for entrepreneurs under 30. 

He trained at Co-Active Training Institute (CTI) for over a year and a half and learned from some of the best coaches in the world. CTI is often known as the Gold Standard in coaching worldwide and is one of the most recognized institutions for producing world-class coaches.

Contact Chris

"Chris is a fantastic Career Coach who I was fortunate enough to feature on an episode of my podcast. His fantastic natural charisma and energy manifest through his passion for helping others. He also has an amazing work ethic and drive to improve and be the best version of himself continually."

- Brad Minton, Founder Mint to be Career

Is This For You?

Coaching with Chris is an excellent option if you’re dissatisfied with your job or career, looking for what’s next, or want to launch your next business idea into action. You are in for a treat if you’ve never worked with a coach. Chris is a Professional Certified Coach and has been trained by some of the best coaches in the world. He understands the value of powerful questions, different perspectives, and listening.

What’s Included?

Private 1:1 calls and access to Chris. Calls that focus on one topic at a time. To help you come away with what’s most important to you. It could be a fresh perspective, an action, or something interesting to think about. Sessions are held virtually via phone or video call - whichever you prefer.

When Can You Start?

There is no perfect time to start anything. In business, we often say the best time to start was yesterday; the next best time is today. The sooner you get going, the sooner you will make changes, see results, and get where you want to go. This is a process and a journey that will take time and effort. The best way to see if we are compatible and if I have availability is to apply and get in touch. We will be in contact within 24 hours. 

Program Overview

Set the Course

Clearly define the course you want to go.

Assessment and Evaluation

Understand strengths, weaknesses, and development areas.

Tailored Approach

Customization for where you’re at and where you’re headed.


Stay accountable to the big picture that you set out.

Continuous Support

Support and guidance in an unbiased and safe space.


Share what you want when you want.

Feedback and Reflection

Regular check-ins and reflection periods. 

Reach New Heights

Create movement and momentum to create a bigger impact.


Deepen Your Awareness

Better understand your saboteur and when self-doubt arises. Create allies to overcome negative self-talk and capitalize on new opportunities.

Improve Your Confidence

Stand up and show up as the absolute best version of yourself. Learn to show up daily with a smile, looking and feeling good.

Live Your Values

Living authentically and true to your values has never been more critical. Follow your heart and ensure your actions align with what you want most.

Contact Chris

"A game-changer for the next generation. Chris uses a simple and easy-to-understand framework that helps those struggling with uncertainty in their careers to create movement forward. Engaging stories, easy to understand, and simple to apply. Chris's message is important for those wondering what's next in today's fast-paced world."

-Rikkert Vos, CEO Aeromni Aerospace