Why Discipline Trumps Motivation



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September 10, 2024

Many people believe that motivation is the secret ingredient to achieving success. 

They wait for that burst of energy or inspiration to take action. 

But here’s the truth: motivation is overrated. 

It’s unreliable and inconsistent. 

Discipline, on the other hand, is what moves the needle and gets things done.

Take it from someone who’s trained for 18 years straight, meditated for 650 days in a row, and consistently showed up repeatedly for obligations. 

Whether developing your career or building a business, relying on discipline over motivation is the key to long-term success. 

Let’s explore why discipline trumps motivation and how you can start using it to reach your goals.

Motivation is Temporary, Discipline is Consistent

Motivation is like a spark—it can ignite quickly but fade just as fast. 

You might feel motivated after watching an inspiring TED Talk or reading a success story, but that feeling rarely lasts. (P.S. Check out my TEDx talk here!)

One bad day, a distraction, or laziness can knock you off track if you only depend on motivation to push you forward.

Discipline, however, is like a slow-burning fire. 

It doesn’t require the right mood or a surge of inspiration to keep going. 

Discipline is showing up and taking action even when you don’t feel like it. 

Over time, that consistency builds momentum, and progress starts to happen.

Think about it this way: motivation gets you to the starting line, but discipline gets you across the finish line.

I remember when I began to compete in fitness shows in 2014. I would wake up at 4:45 a.m. and go to the gym. 

From there, I’d work 8-plus hours and then go to the gym for another session. 

The crazy thing about it all is I loved it. I was in my element and hungry for more each day. But it all started with being disciplined and showing up. 

Discipline Builds Habits, Motivation Builds Excitement

Motivation often gets you excited about a new goal. 

Maybe you’re pumped to launch a new product or excited to network with potential clients. 

But excitement alone doesn’t produce results.

Discipline, on the other hand, turns actions into habits. 

When you consistently follow through, no matter how you feel, you build routines that become second nature. 

Entrepreneurs and career-focused individuals who succeed aren’t the ones who are constantly motivated—they’re the ones who have disciplined themselves to stick with their goals day in and day out.

In the end, discipline creates habits, and habits create success. 

You don’t have to think about doing it anymore. 

You just do it (like Nike said). 

Motivation is Emotional, Discipline is Rational

Motivation comes and goes based on how we feel. 

On good days, it’s easy to stay motivated. 

You’re excited, optimistic, and full of energy. 

But what happens when you're tired, frustrated, or not in the mood? 

When you rely on motivation alone, these emotional ups and downs can stop your progress.

Discipline doesn’t care about your feelings. 

It’s about commitment. 

When you’re disciplined, you keep showing up because you’ve made a rational decision to follow through, no matter what. 

It’s a mindset shift that says, “I’m going to do this because it’s important, not because I feel like it.”

For entrepreneurs, this kind of mental toughness is essential. 

Building a business is filled with challenges, and there will be many days when you’re not motivated. 

That’s when discipline steps in to keep you moving forward.

Even as I sat down to write this article, I debated not doing it. 

I didn’t feel like it, but even though that initial thought crossed my mind, I decided to get started and just make it happen. And here we are.

Success is Built on Consistency, Not Inspiration

It’s easy to romanticize the idea of motivation, imagining that successful people are constantly driven by passion and inspiration. 

But the truth is that behind every success story is a lot of boring, repetitive work. 

Consistency leads to breakthroughs, and consistency only comes through discipline.

Imagine an athlete training for a marathon. 

They don’t wait for the perfect day to start training. 

They don’t skip workouts because they’re not “feeling it.” 

They stick to their plan because they know consistent effort leads to success. 

The same principle applies to your career or business goals.

Small, disciplined actions repeated over time lead to big results. And you don’t need motivation for that—you just need to show up.

How to Build Discipline

If you’ve been relying on motivation and finding yourself stuck, it’s time to start building discipline. Here are a few ways to get started:

1. Set Clear Goals

Know exactly what you want to achieve, and break those goals into small, manageable steps.

2. Create Routines

Establish daily or weekly routines that align with your goals. Make them non-negotiable, even on tough days.

3. Hold Yourself Accountable

Track your progress and stay accountable to yourself. Find a mentor or accountability partner to help you stay on track if necessary. (or join our Mentee Community!)

4. Focus on Progress, Not Perfection

Discipline isn’t about being perfect. It’s about showing up consistently, even when you’re not at your best. Small progress is better than no progress at all.

5. Reward Yourself for Sticking to It

Celebrate the little wins. Discipline doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the process. Acknowledge your effort and reward yourself for staying consistent.

Conclusion: Discipline Will Take You Further

Motivation might get you started, but it’s discipline that will take you across the finish line. 

Whether advancing your career or growing your business, embracing discipline means you’ll show up consistently, build powerful habits, and stay on track even when motivation fades.

So the next time you feel like waiting for inspiration to strike, remember success isn’t about being motivated. 

It’s about being disciplined enough to do the work, no matter what.

So show up and make it happen. You’ll thank yourself for it!

Check out my website!

Chris M Wilson

Chris Wilson is a keynote speaker, CTI coach, and entrepreneur. Through his Hover to Fly framework, he aims to impact the next generation in their careers and lives.

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